Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Top 5 Reasons for Buying Your Pearl Jewelry from a Trustworthy Jeweler

If a department store strand of pearls has been emitting a Siren’s song, and you are tempted to buy them, think twice. Earlier, ABC News reported on the quality of cultured pearl jewels from some jewelry store chains with nationwide branches. The most serious problem noted, as outlined by the interviewed experts, is the likelihood that these pearls will not last very long.

The reporters bought necklaces from the stores and then took them to a renowned jewelry expert for evaluation. The problems found included chipping of the nacre around the drill holes, which is a condition that gets worse but not better. Although sales personnel assured the buyers that these necklaces were high quality and would last, the microscope told another story. The term used by the expert was “complete rejects” when talking about the individual pearls. This reality check brings us to the five reasons for buying pearl jewelry from a trustworthy jeweler.

1. Good quality. A jeweler can tell the difference between an investment-grade cultured saltwater pearl and a reject. This expert will also know whether a freshwater pearl’s nacre is robust and thick or cracking and peeling.

2. The real thing. Vintage jewelers usually request appraisals on their pieces. The professional evaluation protects the buyer from being sold a Chinese rather than a Japanese Akoya pearl. Another danger is the increase of synthetic pearls on the market. 

3. Expert care advice. Search the internet for tips on cleaning pearls, and you find some hair-raising suggestions that are almost guaranteed to destroy your jewelry. Discuss your concerns with the jeweler, and s/he can give you real pearl-cleaning advice or even do the job for you.

4. Expert storage advice. Next to choosing the wrong cleaning method, it is easy to destroy your pearls simply by not storing them properly. A jeweler will assist you with the purchase of the right storage pouches and containers to prevent any chipping.

5. You get what you really want. Building a professional relationship with a jeweler, particularly an expert who specializes in vintage pieces, gives you the insider assistance you need when a coveted piece of pearl jewelry comes on the market. The professional may be able to alert you and even hold a piece for you so you can be the first one to take a look at it.

Of course, there are plenty of other reasons to do business with a trustworthy jeweler rather than a clerk at a national chain store. Knowledgeable customer service, the ability to get your jewelry repaired by an expert, and always knowing that your pieces are in good hands when the necklaces need re-stringing are good reasons to opt for finding a local (or internet) jeweler today.

At Peter Suchy Jewelers we are experts in all types of vintage, estate and antique jewelry. We hope you’ll stop by our showroom located at 1137 High Ridge Road in Stamford Connecticut.

Or, hop on over to our top-rated BigCommerce Store where you’ll find all the vintage pearl gemstone jewelry you see here. If you find a listing has ended, please email us at info@petersuchyjewelers.com as we may still have the item in stock.

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