Monday, May 23, 2016

Top 5 Jewelry Mistakes You Need to Stop Making Today

At our shop, we do not just sell vintage jewelry. We also consult with customers who have questions about the care of their pieces. Some need help with starting a friend or daughter on the path to collecting these jewels. After working with a wide variety of online and in-store customers, we have put together the top five jewelry mistakes folks make without knowing it. Do you fall into one of these categories?

1. Exposing jewelry to soap and water. 

Whether you wear your earrings in the shower, keep on your rings while cooking and washing your hands to avoid cross contamination, or routinely sit in the sauna with your necklaces on, it is time to stop the behavior. For starters, hard water combined with soap scum will dull even the brightest diamond. The moist heat of the sauna and chemicals contained in cleaners may have adverse effects on the metal settings of your jewels. Keep a small dish next to the sink and shower that holds your treasures.

2. Putting on perfume or hairspray while wearing jewelry. 

Your gems should go on last – after you have put some perfume behind the ears and sprayed your hair. If you ignore this advice when wearing pearls, you may break down their luster.

3. Pulling DIY jewelry cleaning advice from the Internet. 

It is perfect for kitten videos and zucchini bread recipes. But when it comes to jewelry cleaning advice, steer clear. Far too many folks are overly fond or combining kosher salt with lemon juice to make a paste and use it on pretty much anything and everything. If you do this to your pearls or coral, you can wreak havoc. Talk to your trusted jeweler when you need help with cleaning a jewel.

4. Forgetting the annual well check. 

Jewels with gems need regular checkups. Prongs and settings can weaken over time. Failure to have a jeweler check your pieces and tighten the prongs if needed can result in stone loss.

5. Storing jewels improperly. 

If you keep your pearls in an airtight bag, have rings with diamonds tossed in with jewels featuring different stones, and overall just put the necklaces and earrings into the same box, you end up with a disaster on your hands. Pearls need to breathe; diamonds will scratch stones lower on the Mohs scale; and the jumble of earring posts, dangles, and chains tangles. Invest in a proper jewelry box for the storage of your pieces.

At Peter Suchy Jewelers we are experts in all types of vintage, estate and antique jewelry. We hope you’ll stop by our showroom located at 1137 High Ridge Road in Stamford Connecticut.

Or, hop on over to our top-rated BigCommerce Store where you’ll find all the vintage gemstone jewelry you see here. If you find a listing has ended, please email us at as we may still have the item in stock.

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