Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Top 5 Worst Mother’s Day Gifts Ever

Over the last couple of weeks, we have given you some ideas about what to buy for mom, grandma, your mother in law or others deserving of the title “mom.” On the flipside, there are the five worst Mother’s Day gifts. Learn from our experience – and the experiences of friends, family members, and customers – and avoid the bad list.

1. If it plugs in, tread lightly.

A vacuum cleaner, iron, an electric frying pan, or rice cookers are dangerous ideas. They all have to do with chores that you expect mom to do; otherwise, you would not be giving her the appliance. Unless mom specifically asks for one of these items, cross them off your list.

2.  Beauty enhancers.

Wrinkle creams, moisturizers, or anything else that might hint at mom’s aging, is a bad idea. In fact, it is not only a bad idea; it is downright rude. The one exception to this rule is the foot spa pampering basket. Couple that one with a gift certificate to a local spa and you have a winner.

3. IOUs.

Yes, you read that correctly. Assuming you are over the age of six, it is in bad taste to hand mom a coupon book for “cereal dinner,” “lunch cooked by dad” or something similar. Although these coupon books look like they might enable mom to take a night off, they are little more than IOUs. If mom is too tired to cook, you should be doing it without having to be asked. Instead, buy (or make) a book of gift certificates to local restaurants, spas, salons and stores she likes.

4. Cheap jewelry off the rack.

If you are buying jewelry for mom, make sure the piece you choose is as unique as your mother herself. Buying a mass-market manufactured-from-a-mold jewel that she sees everyone else wearing is not much of a gift. And if it is from a department store catalog at a markdown, the present is insulting. You do not have to be rich to buy a unique vintage jewel. In fact, we have pieces that even teenagers with a part-time summer job could afford.

5. Nothing.

Do not show up empty-handed for Mother’s Day. Even if you forgot, simply could not think of something to buy or are completely broke, bring something. Bake her cookies, ask your neighbor if you might pick some flowers from his yard or make a card (like you used to do when you were six). But whatever you do, letting the day go by without a mention is unacceptable.

At Peter Suchy Jewelers we are experts in all types of vintage, estate and antique jewelry. We hope you’ll stop by our showroom located at 1137 High Ridge Road in Stamford Connecticut.

Or, hop on over to our top-rated BigCommerce Store where you’ll find all the vintage jewelry you see here. If you find a listing has ended, please email us at as we may still have the item in stock.

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1 comment:

  1. nice post. thanks for sharing it.
